
宏旭道路阴沟椭圆形排水沟模具布局道理 宏旭道路暗沟卵形排水沟模具结构原理


。In the production process of prefabricated drainage ditch steel mold, the mold needs to be transported to the processing plant for prefabrication, and the raw materials such as cement and sand should also be transported to the plant for mixing. Most of the concrete specifications we use are relatively good, and its strength is very good. The concrete materials are mixed according to a certain proportion, so that they can be fully mixed together, and the use role in the project is also better. Before the use of mold prefa完美体育brication production, if the concrete has occurred condensation, it can not be used. After the production of the prefabricated drainage ditch steel mold, the prefabricated block shall be transported to the construction site, and then transported to the designated location for installation. When it is placed, it shall be stable, and the mortar between the blocks shall be full enough to tightly bond together, so that the overall gap is relatively small. When the production of prefabricated drainage ditch steel mold is completed, it shall be stored in the warehouse, and the warehouse shall be managed by special personnel, mainly to regularly monitor the temperature and humidity in the warehouse, and the space in the warehouse shall be large enough, and the mold shall be often maintained to protect the quality of the steel mold, so as to ensure that the next prefabricated effect of the steel mold will not be affected Ring.

上一篇:完美体育-镜面模具表面镀钛 展立五金 模具表面镀钛厂【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】 下一篇:完美体育-预制阶梯式护坡模具定做 高速阶梯式护坡模具报价 天利【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】